
Hi there! My name is Senn (they/them), and it's nice to meet you!

Perhaps the best way to describe who I am and what I do is to call me a creative dabbler. If you can name something, chances are I've either tried to make it or want to try to make it - success isn't guaranteed, but the trying certainly is. Recently, I've been making games and learning different types of fabric crafts.

On the professional and career side of life, the two threads connecting my experiences together are information and education. At the moment, I'm engaged with data science for an ecological maths research project at QUT and training researchers in basic Python and R data analysis through QCIF. I'm also studying a Master of Information Science (Extended) at Curtin University with the aim of becoming a librarian.

So that's me in a nutshell! If you'd like to say hi, or want to find out more, you can reach me at Thanks for reading, and have a great day.